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Climate Catalysts: The Pairs Trade Of The Century

New research showing how plants react to increasing temperatures and CO2 levels suggests catalysts for climate change adaptation and mitigation businesses

New research showing how plants react to increasing temperatures and CO2 levels suggests catalysts for climate change adaptation and mitigation businesses
You can listen to this article at my SoundCloud station: Climate Catalysts: The Pairs Trade of the Century (2/9/2021) by Climate Solutions with Erik | Free Listening on SoundCloud This article is the first installment of my column’s new feature, Climate Catalysts....

On Tap For 2021: Nanobubbles, Thermal Batteries, And More

The year has started out very busy for your loyal correspondent, who has been interviewing experts on grid modernization, energy storage, and agricultural technology. In the coming months, I’m looking forward to bringing you stories about some incredible organizations...

A Year-End Message To Intelligent Investors And Conscious Consumers

The same supply chain that is saving our lives with vaccine is a main driver in the destruction of our ecosystem

The same supply chain that is saving our lives with vaccine is a main driver in the destruction of our ecosystem
Watching video footage of vials of Covid-19 vaccines encased in dry ice and arriving at hospitals and retirement homes offers me a glimmer of hope for 2021. But having a vaccine does not mean an end to the pandemic — vaccines must be distributed to hospitals and...

Using Big Data And The Power Of Markets To Solve Climate Change

An academic paper published last month by Australian climate scientist, Steven Sherwood and a team of global colleagues, made for sobering reading. The paper showed that a doubling of atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations – which at our present do-nothing...

Climate Change: The Ball Is In Our Court

Public attitudes regarding the scientific certainty of climate change have undergone an enormous shift since the mid-aughts, when former Vice President Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth first hit the theaters. The increasingly hard to ignore climate-related crises...

Ex-Economic Hit Man John Perkins Believes We Have Reached A Tipping Point

One of the topics your correspondent keeps banging on about is that complex adaptive systems (like the world we live on) can sometimes experience jumps from one state to another when the they reach a tipping point. Unfortunately, most of the ecological tipping points...

The Stakes Of Losing This DICE Game Are Enormous

“All models are wrong but some are useful” — British statistician George E. P. Box In my climate change investing speaking engagements, doubters love to bring up what they think is the killer counter-argument: The mathematical models used by climate scientists and...

Tallying The Cost Of Inaction

This spring, Pulitzer Prize winning author David Cay Johnston suggested that economic damage from Covid-19 would total from three to eight trillion dollars, depending how long the crisis lasted. Whatever the final tally, it is clear the damage to the global economy is...

The Smart Money Likes Salmon

My earlier article about South African entrepreneur, Peter Wakefield’s, plan to build a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) business called Wild Coast Salmon in his home country drew some interest from some of the smartest of the smart money set. Last week, I...

Capitalism Is Failing Us Just When We Need It Most

Capitalism is the economic expression of humans’ greatest strength – adaptability. This economic system has allowed human civilization to become increasingly prosperous, connected, and peaceful over the centuries. It is only natural to think that investors and...